# Gherkin tag as pytest tag Gherkin support tags on multiple keywords, such as `Feature`, `Rule`, `Scenario` and `Scenario Outline`. All of them can be used to set a pytest mark and use the `-m` option of pytest. ## Skipping tests ```gherkin Feature: Discover Gherkin tag @skip Scenario: I can skip a test Given a user Bob ``` This test will be skipped because of the `@skip` tag: ```bash uv run pytest -v ========================== test session starts ========================== platform linux -- Python 3.13.2, pytest-8.3.5, pluggy-1.5.0 configfile: pyproject.toml plugins: cov-6.0.0 collected 1 item tests/functionals/test_1_Discover_Gherkin_tag.py::test_2_I_can_skip_a_test SKIPPED (unconditional skip) [100%] ========================== 1 skipped in 0.01s =========================== ``` ## Writing a wip tag ```gherkin Feature: Discover Gherkin tag @wip Scenario: I work on this test Given a user Alice Scenario: This test is not runned Given a user Bob ``` Now to avoid warning, markers have to be registered in pytest options, in pyproject.toml: ```toml [tool.pytest.ini_options] markers = ["wip: work in progress."] ``` ```bash 𝝿 uv run pytest tests/functionals2 -m wip ========================== test session starts ========================== platform linux -- Python 3.13.2, pytest-8.3.5, pluggy-1.5.0 configfile: pyproject.toml plugins: cov-6.0.0 collected 2 items / 1 deselected / 1 selected tests/functionals/test_1_Discover_Gherkin_tag.py [100%] =================== 1 passed, 1 deselected in 0.01s ===================== ```