4.1.0 - Released on 2025-02-06¶
Add a middleware factory “accept_language” that forward the request.locale_name to the Accept-Language header made by blacksmith. See AcceptLanguageFactoryBuilder.
4.0.1 - Released on 2024-11-03¶
Binding for blacksmith 4.
Drop support of python 3.8
Use uv / pdm instead of poetry
Replace black, flake8 and isort by ruff
Update the CI
3.3.0 - Released on 2024-10-10¶
Add support of the Nomad Service discovery
3.2.0 - Released on 2024-10-10¶
Fix the __version__ property
3.0.1 - Released on 2024-10-10¶
Update deps
2.2.0 - Released on 2024-04-19¶
Release an alpha middleware for zipkin based on zk Stay undocumented until it has been tested on prod
Update deps
2.1.0 - Released on 2023-12-01¶
Add a middleware to inject a header statically from the conf
2.0.2 - Released on 2022-10-12¶
Fix the error_parser implementation1
2.0.1 - Released on 2022-10-11¶
Update to blacksmith 2.0
2.0.0 - Released on 2022-10-11¶
Broken release :/
1.0.2 - Released on 2022-10-07¶
Readd previews dependency prometheus_client, always required
Improve developper experience while writing tests due to prometheus_client
Update the documentation
1.0.1 - Released on 2022-10-07¶
Update dependencies * remove prometheus_client from the dependencies, only dev deps
Update to be compatible with Pyramid >1.10
1.0.0 - Released on 2022-02-12¶
Update to blacksmith 1.0
Rename config “timeout” to “read_timeout”
0.3.0 - Released on 2022-01-19¶
Add client middlewares for authentication purpose
Add typing support (best effort since pyramid is not typed)
0.2.0 - Released on 2022-01-13¶
Add middlewares - prometheus - circuitbreaker - httpcaching
Let users add their own middlewares
0.1.0 - Released on 2022-01-08¶
Initial Release