# Glossary ```{glossary} FastAPI FastAPI is micro frameword based on ASGI. Website: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/ HTMX HTMX is a javascript library that extend HTML to do [https://htmx.org/essays/hypermedia-driven-applications/](hypermedia driven applications). Fastlife is a web framework made for this kind of architecture arround HTMX. Website: https://htmx.org/ Jinjax JinjaX is a template engine for made for clarity. It is an extension of the Jinja2 template engine. Website: https://jinjax.scaletti.dev/ OpenAPI OpenAPI is a specification for building APIs that defines a standard way to describe the structure and capabilities of RESTful APIs in a machine-readable format. FastAPI generates the OpenAPI spec file directly from its API. Website: https://www.openapis.org/ Pyramid Pyramid is Python Web Framework based on WSGI. fastlife take a lots of inspiration from Pyramid. Website: https://trypyramid.com/ Pydantic Pydantic is a widely used Python library for data validation. Pydantic ensures your data is accurate and well-structured by validating it as you work with Python classes. In Fastlife, Pydantic models are also used to generate HTML form models using a set of extensible {mod}`fastlife.adapters.jinjax.widgets`. Website: https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/ Pydantic Settings Pydantic Settings is a library made to load your setting from multiple source. Environment variables is encouraged by the library. Website: https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/api/pydantic_settings/ Redoc An alternative to Swagger UI. An interactive documentation from {term}`OpenAPI` Format. Website: https://redocly.com/docs/redoc Swagger UI Swagger UI is a web interface that create a documentation and a playground to test API based on the {term}`OpenAPI` format. Website: https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-ui/ Tailwind CSS A CSS framework where you compose with existing class intead of writings your own ones. Website: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/ Widget A widget in fastlife refer to a {term}`JinjaX` compoment made for handling data input in a form for a {term}`Pydantic` field. ```