A = .. jinjax:component:: A(href: str, id: str | None = None, class_: str | None = None, hx_target: str = '#maincontent', hx_select: str | None = None, hx_swap: str = 'innerHTML show:body:top', hx_push_url: bool = True, disable_htmx: bool = False, content: Any) Create html ```` node with htmx support by default. The `hx-get` parameter is set with the href directly unless the `disabled-htmx` attribute has been set. :param href: target link. :param id: unique identifier of the element. :param class: css class for the node, defaults to :attr:`fastlife.templates.constants.Constants.A_CLASS`. :param hx_target: target the element for swapping than the one issuing the AJAX request. :param hx_select: select the content swapped from response of the AJAX request. :param hx_swap: specify how the response will be swapped in relative to the target of an AJAX request. :param hx_push_url: replace the browser url with the link. :param disable_htmx: do not add any `hx-*` attibute to the link. :param content: child node.