envsub is a text preprocessing tool that performs environment variable substitution in files, with support for default values. Written in Rust and callable from Python, it provides a fast and reliable way to inject environment variables into text files during runtime.
Environment variable substitution in any text file.
Support for default values when environment variables are missing.
Fast performance with Rust under the hood, accessible from Python.
pip install envsub
envsub api¶
envsub comes with a sub
method that text a io.TextIO
and return
a io.TextIO
containing the replaced variable.
Basic usage:
from envsub import sub
with open("/path/to/file", "r") as downstream:
with sub(downstream) as upstream:
When it is usefull.
is made for replacing a set of variable inside a configuration
file from envisonment variable, its feet well with confifuration file format.
Example with json:
import json
from envsub import sub
with open("/path/to/file.json", "r") as downstream:
with sub(downstream) as upstream:
data = json.load(upstream)
Substitution format¶
envsubst subsitute variable format that are curly-braced, like in bash.
{"hello": "${NAME}"}
⚠️ Warning:
The variable stay in the same line, no
are permitted.**This will not work: {“hello”: “${ NAME }” }
Default value:¶
If the environment variable is not present, no substitution will be made,
it means than in the previous example, ${NAME}
will stay in the read value.
Alternatively, a default value can be set in the variable, using a -
{"hello": "${NAME-world}"}
In this case the final result will be {"hello": "world"}
Similar tools exists, but did not find any good one in python.
The envsub lib has been created to replace non existing tool like a8m/envsubst a Go binary that update the GNU envsubst that do not support default values.