Instanciating Client

Now that the client has been configured, it can be used in views to do http sub queries.

Follow the example below to instanciate the client.


In an async view, the blacksmith client

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from dj_blacksmith import AsyncDjBlacksmithClient

async def hello_blacksmith(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:

   # Use a client
   dj_cli = AsyncDjBlacksmithClient(request)
   cli = await dj_cli("default")  # build the configured "default" client.
   api = await cli("api")  # resolve an endpoint to access to service "api".
   item = await{"id": 42})  # retrieve the item 42 from foo resources.

   return HttpResponse("Hello world", content_type="text/plain")


In an synchronous view, the blacksmith client

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from dj_blacksmith import SyncDjBlacksmithClient

def hello_blacksmith(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:

   # Use a client
   dj_cli = SyncDjBlacksmithClient(request)
   cli = dj_cli("default")  # build the configured "default" client.
   api = cli("api")  # resolve an endpoint to access to service "api".
   item ={"id": 42})  # retrieve the item 42 from foo resources.

   return HttpResponse("Hello world", content_type="text/plain")